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Sunday, 12 July 2015

Hindu yuva vahini :

TheHindu Yuva Vahini(हिंदू युवा वाहिनी) is a Hinduyouth group, founded byYogi Adityanath, intended successor of theGorakhpur Mutttemple inGorakhpur,India.

The acton has been taken by the police on the hindu yuva vahini by the police in the Mau communal riots of October 2005, where they organized the Hindu forces in opposition to a politician "Mukhtar Ansari", the alleged murderer ofBharatiya Janata Party(BJP) state legislature memberKrishnanand Rai.

By organizing various movements such as "Ram Prakostha" for pavement dwellers and the "Bansfod Hindu Manch" for woodcutters, Adityanath has provided a sense of identity for many of these frustrated youth, who have swelled the ranks of the Hindu Yuva Vahini.

Recently hindu yuva vahini orgenised a missed call movement to save the cows.

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