first of all you should know about what is ipe engineering .
before my admission in NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JALANDHAR (NIT J) i thought that ipe is not a good branch or i can't get high packages from this branch . but now i feel that it is a very wide branch . actually companies needs engineers of IPE branch. because in ipe engineering studen learns about both technical as well as management . that is what companies needs .
so don't be upset if you did'nt get CSE MECHANICAL ELECTRONICS or other branch. take admission in industrial and production engineering .and for the students who dreams of IIM after their IPE is the best options because their is also a management portion.
BUT mark my words there is'nt good or bad branch's . its depend on you .i told u
so don't depend on your teacher or your college . its your responsibility to learn about something what you exactly want. now days internet has every thing so use it . use the site like NPTEL .
for any other qu. mail me